It looks like our Gastronomy Book Club is going ahead. Those keen to read and who can't join the face to face, live group, can be part of a wider, on-line connection. We have started a "closed" Facebook page and only book club people will be able to read comments posted. We'll see how we go. Let us know if you want to be included. If you're not a "Facebooker", we'll email information, comments etc. to you, nonetheless. We're going to start easily. We may leave Brillat Savarin, the Greek philosophers and the Post-Modernists for later! October's book will be Bee Wilson - The Way We Eat Now. The title is self-explanatory. I was particularly touched by the loss of the lunch hour and the family table. November's book will be Gabrielle Hamilton - Blood, Bones, Butter - an autobiographical account of her life in food, through an eccentric, hippy, slightly dysfunctional childhood, her discovery of Italy and to her N.Y. restaurant Prune. Comment 👇. Let us know if you'd like to join the gastronomy readers.