Just a few trays...Royal Doulton "Yvonne", Wedgwood black basalt, Arabia, Waechtersbach, Limoges, Spode, Rosenthal, Arzberg...
Finally, the new carpet is to go down. (It took a while to find the colour. It seems no-one does colour any more - it's wall to wall beige, taupe, grey, steel, cream, brown or taupe.) Had to move the furniture in the sitting room. This meant emptying one of the sideboards. A dear friend helped. Because it's not her house, she could be brutality impartial and sensible. We found, among other things, coffee cups for 73 guests. I haven't mentioned the teacups. Am I a hoarder? No, I'm a collector. A collection is only as good as your retrieval system. And I can tell you that my retrieval system is now a lot better. Notice I said "one of the sideboards". Soon, Rosa will come over, have a ristretto in one of the coffee cups and we'll get down to sorting the rest. I use everything and get much pleasure from it. I don't have ordinary and "for best". But I think there is definitely a garage sale coming up - a well curated garage sale of course. Comments or Like - see below to add...
16/2/2018 05:27:52 am
...and how many people can you serve artichokes and oysters?
13/3/2018 11:39:05 pm
I inherited quite a large collection of my grandmother's tea cups - every cup tells a story. I can't imagine parting with any although I know I will have to cull them eventually.
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