Above: A dish's progress around the kitchen
The potatoes were sliced, seasoned, garlic, and cream added, arranged in a dish, then oven -180˚C for 45 minutes. Taken bubbling to the table, we shared it. The dish was left dirty on the table overnight. (I told you I was a slattern.) I rose at 7.00 a.m., fed the cats, gave a half-hearted scrape around the gratin dish with a spatula and loaded it into the dishwasher along with other dinner paraphernalia. At the end of the cycle, it was returned, along with the rest, perfectly clean (and sanitised at 60˚C) to the cupboard. (There was no avocado or peanut butter to deal with. I believe they are stubborn.) It's a first world problem and note that pre-rinsers mightily out-numbered dumpers, despite all the literature being against rinsing. Interesting points... Anti-rinse: An intelligent, committed, busy friend described herself as the sort of tragic nerd who reads the instructions when she gets a new appliance. (So novel!) If Ms Asko or Mr Bosch tell her not to rinse, that's good enough. Hedging his bets: Alistair McAllister wrote that his dishwasher is 74 years old but at least it keeps his hands clean. Pro-rinsers: Most suggested they didn't like the idea of all that jucky matter sitting in the pipes. (Jucky, grubby and mucky were very much at the forefront of the discussion.) The plumbing of a dishwasher is like the plumbing of the bathroom / lavatory. Water flushes it all away. (Modern plumbing is my pick as the greatest boon to modern civilisation, way beyond electricity or the Magimix.) May I assume then, that most bathrooms / lavatories are reserved for applying cosmetics and storing fluffy white towels and that serious ablutions are conducted on the back lawn? Next, I'm looking into "Wellness". Join the conversation 👇🏾
Don Rankin
15/5/2021 11:13:02 am
Cath, the reason you clean your dishwasher filter weekly is simply that you are not a rinser. I have not cleaned my filter in 5 years because I am a thorough hot water rinser. It's not rocket science!
Dear Stupid,
Don Rankin
15/5/2021 08:27:43 pm
Cath, I am male. I therefore do not read machine instructions etc.
15/5/2021 07:26:12 pm
I'm a scraper - I use a fabulous quality silicone (?) spatula and get off the 'gunk' then into dishwasher. I hand wash precious items with gold rims and so on. It's a interesting point to explore Catherine.
7/9/2024 10:00:22 pm
Great for hard-to-reach areas. The spray bottle makes it easy to target moldy spots.
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